Have Your Say on the Draft K-6 Curriculum

Minister LaGrange announced new public engagement sessions for Albertans to provide specific, constructive feedback on the draft Kindergarten to Grade 6 (K-6) curriculum and draft Social Studies design blueprint. These virtual sessions will continue to be held until February 28 in five regions.
This spring, Alberta Education will carefully consider the feedback from all engagement opportunities and classroom piloting to finalize the Social Studies design blueprint, develop the corresponding draft Social Studies curriculum and further revise all subjects in the draft K-6 curriculum.
The virtual engagement sessions will be held in five
regions: north, Edmonton and surrounding area, central,
Calgary and surrounding area, and south. This will enable
communities to share local insights and unique
perspectives on the draft K-6 curriculum.
You are encouraged to register for sessions in your region
or you may take part in any session that works best for you.
The two-hour Zoom sessions are open to all Albertans.
Anyone under 18 years old must participate with a parent
or guardian.
Click here for more information