Regular Board Meeting Highlights - May 19, 2022

Departmental Presentation – Transportation
Merlin Lee, Transportation Manager and Tammy Glenn, Transportation Operations Supervisor, provided the Board with a presentation on staffing updates of the PRSD Transportation employees, bus routes and fleet within the division, plus current costs, fees, and bus recruitment plans for bus drivers and spares.
Bus Tenders for Next Year
Rhonda Freeman, Secretary Treasurer, provided the Board with information on the upcoming bus tenders for the Division. Merlin Lee, Transportation Manager, provided more information about bus prices and availability. Recommendations will be brought to the June Board Meeting.
Review of the 3 Year Education Plan
Adam Murray, Superintendent of Schools, presented the updated 3 Year Education Plan to the Board, which outlines Peace River School Division’s three goals, engagement strategies, Budget Plan and Capital Plan. The Division’s first goal is, “All students are literate,” with the outcome being, “All students are reading and writing at or above grade level or meeting their individualized program goals”. Goal two is, “All students are numerate,” with the attached outcome being, “All students are performing at or above grade level in numeracy or meeting their individualized program goals”. Goal three is, “All students are successful through inclusionary practices,” with the outcome being, “All students’ academic, physical and socio-emotional needs are met within a culture of inclusion”. Approval was given by the Board for the revised version and the 3 Year Education Plan can be found on PRSD’s website homepage under Areas to Explore.
Budget Report
The Peace River School Division (PRSD) Board of Trustees approved the 2022-2023 budget at the regular board meeting
held on May 19, 2022. The Division approved the budget as presented by Secretary Treasurer, Rhonda Freeman. The
budget outline for the 2022-2023 school year proposed a $859,356 deficit. Several factors contributed to the budget deficit including increasing costs due to inflation, staffing costs, carbon tax, the high cost of insurance, and other items. The Board of Trustees has approved the use of operating reserves to supplement the $53,554,549 deficit budget. Secretary Treasurer Freeman reviewed with the Board how this budget will bring the PRSD Operating Reserves in line with the new regulations limiting school board reserves effective August 31, 2023. The budget can be viewed under the Board Documents tab on PRSD’s Board page.
Locally Developed Courses
Jeff Thompson, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, presented information on senior high school Locally Developed Courses (LDCs) from other school divisions that are used within PRSD. He explained which courses have been approved, which are expiring, and which will need to be re-approved for the upcoming school year. Locally Developed Courses (LDCs) represent an important component of Alberta Education’s program offerings, and these courses are available for both junior high and high school students. The Board approved the list of LCDs for the upcoming school year.
Flag Raising
The Board recognized the importance of having the Treaty 8 flag and the Métis flag in the Central Office boardroom as a symbol of their commitment to the process of Truth and Reconciliation. Plans are underway to reach out to the Treaty 8 and Métis communities to invite them to help us plan how to best welcome both flags into our boardroom.
Policy 19 – Appendix – Student Conduct
The Board passed the first and second reading for Policy 19 - Appendix - Student Code of Conduct. The third reading will commence at the June Board Meeting.
Administrative Procedures
The Board discussed changes made to AP 355 Student Discipline, AP 365 Alcohol, Restricted and Illicit Drug Use by Students, and AP 422 Teacher Growth Supervision and Evaluation.