The Role of an Alberta School Board

  • School boards are advocates for Alberta’s children – assessing educational policies to support what is best for the development of the whole child.
  • School boards are the champions for education – keeping the positive image of schools before the community to ensure that education is given a high priority and the school community is aware of school authorities’ accomplishments.
  • School boards are partners in education– working with and being the voice of parents and public community members to ensure the best education possible for all children, everywhere in Alberta.
  • School boards are strategic governors– setting strategic priorities in light of community expectations, available resources, needs of students, and sound educational practice.
  • School boards are political officials– reporting to the public electorate through the democratic process, school boards are a government entity charged with the responsibility to govern the affairs of the school authority under the School Act.
  • School boards are evaluators– ensuring policies and practices are effective; ensuring effective management of resources; overseeing the effectiveness of leadership; ensuring policies are implemented in a fair and just manner and effective in achieving intended results for students.
  • School boards are communicators– interacting with the many groups and people who have a stake in K-12 education.
  • School boards are policy makers– developing policies that guide the administration and other employees in achieving the School Board’s goals for  student success and wellness.
  • School boards are financial planners– ensuring transparency to the public for the dollars spent in the school authority and the results for public investment, in addressing the needs of students and the wants of the community.
  • School boards are legislators– setting local policy to meet local contextual needs and help drive public policy changes at the provincial level.
  • School boards are lobbyists– communicating with all orders of government to make sure that local voices are heard by those who have the power to keep education needs high on the list of priorities.
  • School Boards are a bridge – connecting with the community and sharing information of the school authority, the provincial government, and the public.
  • School boards make a difference – caring about the needs of children today and for the future; School Boards provide important oversight into the education system ensuring parents’ voices, students’ needs and school community thinking, remain at the forefront in our education system.
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