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Wellness Challenge Accepeted

Over the last three weeks, Fairview High School staff and Central Operations staff engaged in a friendly Wellness Challenge competition . The goal was to see which team could accumulate a set number of wellness activities the fastest.

Well, as much as it pains us to admit defeat - the Central Operations team congratulates the Fairview High team on their well-won victory. Today, Fairview High enjoyed their own victory celebration, which involved a delicious lunch prepared by the High School Foods class, and presentation of the trophy prepared by the shop class.

This Wellness Challenge was such a success we hope to get more schools on board and competing next year - the trophy was designed to hold many small plaques containing the winning team for many years. Comprehensive school heath is a priority for the Peace River School Division, and part of that is ensuring our staff feel supported and well.

By engaging in activities like this, staff had an opportunity to reflect on the actions they take in a day and determine whether those actions left them feeling better than when they started. Some examples of the activities staff took part in included: grabbing coffee with a friend, eating breakfast, enjoying a HOT beverage, reading for 20 minutes, exercising for sometimes as little as 10 minutes, spending time with pets, stopping to watch the sunset or sunrise, participating in team sports, and spending intentional time with family.

Wellness is multi-faceted and can mean so many different things to different people. So, I want to encourage you to also think about the following question: What small action will you do today to improve your own personal wellness?

Mar 27, 2024 Divisional Events

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