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Special Board Meeting Highlights - June 29, 2022

Name of New School in Manning

On May 9, 2022, the New School Committee members met virtually to discuss the naming of the new school in Manning. John Przybylski, Director of Support Services, shared AP 541, which outlined the considerations that needed to be taken into account when choosing a new school name. Kim Matheson Lyseng, Manning Elementary Principal, and Matt Taylor, Paul Rowe Jr/Sr High School Principal, then developed a plan to move forward. Dani Wearden, Communications Coordinator, helped create communication tools such as social media posts, posters, a Google form and appropriate website links to assist with name suggestion collection.

By May 24, all media supports were completed and shared with the public in various forms. Posters were distributed to all mailboxes in Manning, drop boxes were set up at both schools and the local post office, mail in suggestions were collected, and an online Google form was made available to the public. The most popular mode of input was via electronic means.

After all data was gathered, the New School Naming Committee put forward the following names for Board consideration in order of preference: Manning Aurora Composite School and Manning Composite School.

Manning Aurora Composite School was the top suggestion because the committee felt it was important to include the name, “Manning”, to ensure the geographic location was easily identified. “Aurora” was supported as it was the original name given for the community, but later couldn’t be used due to being incorporated by another community. Manning is also home to astounding aurora borealis which shares many links with the Indigenous culture. Including “Composite” represents the combination of many things – schools, communities, school divisions, ideology and goals.

Manning Composite School was given as a back up suggestion, as it encompasses most of the above rationale as well.

Ultimately, the Board of Trustees approved the name “Manning Aurora Composite School” as the name for the new school.  

Jun 29, 2022

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