Regular Board Meeting Highlights - August 18, 2022

Report on Business Carried Out Over the Summer
Rhonda Freeman, Secretary Treasurer, discussed the business reports from over the summer months. There was no new business undertaken over the summer.
Families Matter Week February 21-24, 2023
Adam Murray, Superintendent of Schools, discussed Families Matter Week for the upcoming school year. It was suggested that the event would be better represented and received if changed from “Parents Matter Week” to “Families Matter Week” and moved to coincide with the Family Day long weekend in February. The Board approved these changes.
Public School Boards Association of Alberta (PSBAA) Presentation
Dennis M. MacNeil, President of PSBAA, supplied the Board with a package and presentation about memberships with the PSBAA. The association represents interests of public schools in this province.
Policy Development and Review
The Board discussed the 2022-2023 policy reading timeline.
Consumer Price Index, July 2022
Under Policy 7 (12.2.6), the Board is required to review the Alberta Consumer Price Index at the August board meeting each year, and either approve or waive per diem increases. The increase in the Statistics Canada Consumer Price index was a 7.4% increase from July 2021 to 2022. The Board, after deliberations, decided not to increase Trustee per diems.
Trustee Calendar
The Board discussed upcoming events they will be attending in August and September.
2022-2023 Facility Tour Schedule - Updated
The latest Facility Tour Schedule was reviewed and approved by the Board.
September 22, 2022, Board/Superintendent Evaluation Process Review
The Board reviewed the Evaluation Process happening in September and planned how it will be conducted during that day.