NEW! Teacher-Directed Homeschool Program

The Peace River School Division (PRSD) is excited to announce a NEW Teacher-Directed Homeschool Program.
PRSD's Grade 4-9 Virtual Education Program (VEP) is now accepting students for the 2023/2024 school year! Teacher-directed students will have access to asynchronous programming that is complemented by regularly scheduled Google Meet support check-ins with their teacher.
Coree Asmussen will be teaching Grades 4-6 students, and Chris Connell will be teaching Grades 7-9 students.
Students will be able to access asynchronous online courses from home and work at their own pace with regularly scheduled Google Meet support check-ins from their teacher. Students require a compatible device such as a Chromebook, laptop, or desktop computer with a working webcam and microphone, and consistent high speed internet able to support Google Meets for teacher check-ins. A home printer and scanner is not usually required, but some students may prefer to complete some activities on paper and submit them online. For more information or further details, please contact
Please note that some assessments may need to be completed and supervised in-person at an approved site such as the nearest PRSD school. For younger students, and those needing additional support, regular parental supervision and support is required for student success.
PRSD will accept student registrations until September 30, 2023.