Empowering Student Leaders: AIC Program Inspires Peace High Student

A group of young leaders gathered in Ottawa from May 26 to May 29 for an extraordinary experience—the Rotary Club of Ottawa's Adventure in Citizenship (AIC) program. One of those young leaders was Peace River High School's Avi Directo.
What Is AIC?
The AIC program is more than a trip to Canada's Capitol—it’s an immersive journey into the heart of what it means to be Canadian. This nationwide initiative brings together high school students between the ages of 16 and 18 from diverse backgrounds to explore the privileges and responsibilities of citizenship. Student leaders from all provinces, reflecting the broad spectrum of religious and cultural communities within Canada, met in Ottawa to discuss topics ranging from governance and history to cultural diversity and global challenges.
For Avi, he was first introduced to the opportunity to participate in AIC during his Grade 11 year. He remembered listening to a presentation from the Peace River Rotary Club and being immediately interested in attending AIC. While circumstances prevented him from attending during his Grade 11 year, Avi jumped at the opportunity to attend this past May, during his Grade 12 year.
Lessons Beyond the Classroom
During his time at AIC, Avi said his primary takeaway was the importance of "interpersonal relations between others." The Peace River youth said having the opportunity to connect with students from coast to coast enriched his perspective. He also recognized the power of numbers when a person, or group of people, are trying to convey an important message or create a roadmap for change.
A Heartfelt Recommendation
"I would wholeheartedly recommend this experience in Ottawa at AIC (Adventures in Citizenship), and even my previous experience at the RYLE (Rotary Youth Leadership Experience) camp to anyone who might be even the slightest bit interested in going. They are both life-changing experiences that you might remember for a long time and I strongly believe that from these experiences you have nothing to lose but have all the potential to gain."
- Avi Directo, Grade 12 Peace River High School