Board approves 2021-2024 Education Plan
For immediate release
May 26, 2021 – During the regular board meeting held on May 20, 2021, the board of trustees approved the Peace River School Division (PRSD) 2021-2024 Education Plan. The plan outlines the division’s goals, strategies, performance measures, capital plan and budget information.
The PRSD Education Plan highlights three overarching priorities:
● Literacy Development/Achievement
● Numeracy Development/Achievement
● Inclusionary and Responsive Culture
PRSD’s overarching priorities are supported by various strategies and performance measures outlined in the PRSD Education Plan with a consistent focus on Collaborative Response and Response to Intervention.
“Collaborative Response is rooted in the foundation of collaboration among staff, data-informed decisions, frequent and formative assessment practices, and timely intervention to ensure students are experiencing their full potential” says PRSD Board Chair Darren Kuester. “Response to Intervention is a highly regarded system that identifies student strengths, learning styles and specific learning needs and supports the success of all learners regardless of age, ability or special needs.”
Specific areas of focus outlined in the Education Plan include literacy, numeracy, Inclusive Education initiatives, services and supports for students with complex and special needs, student mental health and wellness, technology in the classroom, Indigenous Education and professional development for staff.
“Our Education Plan format looks significantly different from past years” says PRSD Board Chair Darren Kuester. “We have narrowed down our focus, and adjusted reporting requirements to an assurance model as outlined by Alberta Education to all school boards in the province.”
The Alberta Government mandated all school boards in the province to move from an “accountability” model to an “assurance” model commencing this spring. The assurance model is intended to nurture a culture of continuous improvement. Key shifts from the accountability model to the assurance model include:
● A focus on providing assurance and demonstrating responsibility
● Flexibility and responsiveness to local context
● Broad stakeholder engagement
● Education Plans be developed before the school year starts
● Education Plans be developed before the school year starts
● Local priorities are the main driver for the education plan
● A greater balance of provincial and local measures
● A focus on continuous improvement based on evidence, engagement and learning
Strategies in the PRSD Education Plan reflect the voice of students, parents, staff and community members through face-to-face and virtual conversations, school and student council organizations, student representatives on PRSD’s Student Engagement Committees, meetings with our municipal partners, analyzing survey results and through strategic planning sessions with staff and the board of trustees.
PRSD’s Education Plan is available online at by choosing “Our Division” and “About PRSD” or by clicking here. All school-based Education Plans are posted on their respective websites.