Students celebrate parents, guardians and caregivers during PRSD’s Parents Matter Appreciation Week

For immediate release
November 8, 2021- Next week students in Peace River School Division (PRSD) will be celebrating their parents, guardians, and caregivers during PRSD’s Parents Matter Appreciation Week (November 15–19, 2021). This special week gives students and staff the opportunity to thank parents, guardians, and caregivers for their important role in student learning, success, and well-being.
The Division believes it is important that parents, guardians, and caregivers be recognized for their involvement and support as they are a very important part of the education system. Having a week to celebrate them is a way for all of us to say thank you for their involvement.
Although Parents Matter Appreciation Week celebrations and events will look different again this year because of pandemic restrictions, PRSD schools are planning safe ways to show appreciation to parents, guardians, and caregivers. In addition to school-based activities and demonstrations of appreciation, every PRSD student will be given class time to write messages of appreciation on specially created “You Matter to Us!” cards.
Parents Matter week was created because of the appreciation students expressed when asked “How can parents be involved in student success?” Hundreds of students responded to the online question in 2011 on PRSD's public engagement forum.
On behalf of the Division, thank you parents, guardians and caregivers for all you do. You are important members of the Peace River School Division family.