Regular Board Meeting Highlights - December 15, 2022

Anti-Racism Committee Terms of Reference
Trustee Robertson led the Board through the terms of reference for the Anti-Racism Committee. The Board reviewed and accepted the terms of reference.
Teachers Board Advisory Committee (TBAC) Terms of Reference
Trustee Owens provided the Board with the yearly TBAC Terms of Reference. The Board reviewed and accepted the terms of reference.
Board of Trustees Approve the Use of $100,000 of Capital Reserves to Assist in Manning Bus Garage Project
The PRSD Board of Trustees is committed to providing at least the same level of CTS training to the students in Manning that they have now. The Board wrote a letter to the Minister of Education requesting funding to renovate the existing Manning Bus Garage into CTS space with the intent of contributing $100,000 of Capital Reserves towards the project. The Trustees have received letters of support from the Town of Manning and Northern Sunrise County who also recognize the importance of preparing students for their choice of careers.
Nampa Daycare Request for Support
A letter from the Nampa Daycare Society was brought forth by Trustee Dyck which asked for a letter of support from the Board for a grant proposal that they are applying to in order to open up a daycare within Nampa. The Board approved a letter of support to the Nampa Daycare Society.
Departmental Presentation – New Curriculum Support
Jessica Whalen, Literacy Program Coordinator, and Sandra Scott-Wilkes, Numeracy Program Coordinator, and Claudette Stalker, K-6 Curriculum Implementation Coordinator, presented information about new curriculum supports to the Board. They discussed how they are supporting Peace River School Division (PRSD) teachers with the implementation of the new curriculum. Whelan discussed how PRSD is collaborating with Northwest Regional Learning Consortium (NRLC) for Professional Development (PD) days, and how resources, online supports and in person assistance are provided to teaching staff. Scott-Wilkes spoke about numeracy within PRSD, and how their team has created an instruction and assessment schedule to help support teachers. Stalker spoke about support during school-based planning meetings, and how teachers are being assisted with linking old objectives with new organizing ideas. She also discussed how general supports include resource sharing, bi-weekly Q and A sessions with staff, and early years assessment.
Annual Education Results Report Update
Superintendent of Schools, Adam Murray, gave an update on the Annual Education Results Report (AERR). The deadline to submit the report has been moved to January 30, which will give PRSD the opportunity to provide more data in the final report. The AERR will be brought back to the Board at the February Board Meeting.
Policy 9 – Board Representatives
The Board passed the third reading for Policy 9 – Board Representatives.