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Regular Board Meeting Highlights

Budget Approval
Rhonda Freeman, Secretary Treasurer presented the preliminary budget for the 2023/2024 school year. The budget was prepared with the goals of the Education Plan in mind. The Boards intent in providing the programming and supports needed to ensure students are successful were the basis of the budget presentation. The 2023/2024 budget provides for increased teaching and support staff in schools, maintaining programming supports and mental health supports in schools. PRSD is projecting a deficit of $847,350 for the 2023/2024 school year. The budgeted deficit will bring the PRSD Operating Reserve in line with the limits allowed by Alberta Education.

Education Plan Year 3 Approval

Adam Murray, Superintendent of Schools, reviewed Year 3 of the Education Plan. The 2023/2024 school year will be the 3rd and final year of the first Education Plan under the new Assurance Model. The goals remain the same as the previous year being 1) All students are literate, 2) All students are numerate, and 3) All students are successful through inclusionary practices. Keeping to the goals of the plan will help determine the success of the strategies used to meet the goals of the Education Plan, and to aid in planning for the next Education Plan goals. Approval was given by the Board for the Education Plan Year 3 as revised. The Year 3 Education Plan can be found on PRSD’s website homepage under Areas to Explore.

Class 1 Driving School Collegiate Program

Adam Murray, Superintendent of Schools, presented updated information to the Board of Trustees about the Class 1 Driving School Collegiate Program. The program’s name, purpose, concept, potential schedule, and industry collaboration were discussed, as well as the positive impacts that this collegiate program would have on high school completion rates in the division. The Board approved the decision to move forward with offering this program. Alberta Education has approved the Collegiate Program and will fund the start up with $555,000 for capital expenditures and $134,000 for operating expenses.

Departmental Presentations – Transportation

Merlin Lee, Transportation Manager, and Tammy Glenn, Transportation Operations Supervisor, presented the 2022/2023 Transportation Report to the Board. They gave an overview of staffing, student statistics, funding, drivers and routes within the division, the technology being used by bus drivers, and the challenges and successes they are currently experiencing.

Anti-Racism Committee Debrief

Trustee Robertson provided the Board with an update on the Anti-Racism Committee and what the committee has been implementing throughout the division. The divisional Blanket Exercise and Aboriginal Coaching Module (ACM) with Martin Noskey were discussed, as well as how the Division is advocating and supporting Indigenous students alongside Alberta Health Services with the assistance of the PRSD Learning Services team. Trustee Robertson also explained that further education is happening within the Anti-Racism committee and that a smaller subcommittee has been created to work on the Anti-Racism Policy.

CASS 2023 First Nations, Métis & Inuit Education Gathering

Board members who attended the College of Alberta School Superintendents (CASS) 2023 First Nations, Métis & Inuit Education Gathering supplied information about what they learned during the event, the topics that were presented and their overall experience there. Trustees were pleased to report that PRSD is at the same place or ahead of other school divisions regarding anti-racism initiatives, and Indigenous education opportunities.

May 23, 2023

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