Peace River School Division Student Teacher Bursary

The Student Teacher Bursary offered by the Peace River School Division (PRSD) is designed to attract aspiring teachers to work in PRSD schools and communities by providing financial assistance with a return service commitment. Students who are in their first or second year of studies and aspire to become a PRSD teacher are eligible for the bursary, which awards $5,000 to students in both their first and second years of study. The bursary's goal is to encourage students to teach in PRSD upon graduation.
Please review the information below before proceeding to the Application Form.
To be eligible to apply you must:
- Be a graduating student or graduate from a PRSD High School.
- Be a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident who will enroll full-time in a post-secondary program with the goal of becoming a teacher.
- Be in the first or second year of a program with the intention of getting a Bachelor of Education degree.
- Include an endorsement from a current or former PRSD Principal. Guidelines for the endorsement are below.
- Write a compelling and well-crafted application essay of no more than 1000 words that showcases your passion for teaching and commitment to our northern communities. Consider Including:
- Short and long-term career goals.
- How would this bursary be of benefit to you and impact your decision to become a teacher in PRSD?
- Experiences have you had that would assist you in achieving your career goals?
You increase your chance of success if you:
- Complete the application fully and answer the questions clearly and concisely.
- Demonstrate a strong commitment to teaching in PRSD upon completion of your degree.
- Have an acceptable academic record and permit the evaluation committee to review your academic history.
- Provide evidence of your involvement in school or community extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or other community services.
Return Service Commitment:
Upon acceptance of the bursary, students are obliged to reside and work as a teacher in a PRSD school upon the completion of their program. The students are committed to PRSD for three years of full-time employment in exchange for two years of bursary funding. If a student receives only one year of funding, they will be required to commit to two years of full-time employment. In the event that a recipient works part-time, such as subbing or short-term contracts, the service obligation will be prorated accordingly. Failure to meet this requirement will result in the repayment of the bursary.
Principal Endorsement Letter:
The principal endorsement letter may contain any information relevant to your application. Below are some suggestions for consideration.
- Relationship with the Applicant: The principal should describe their relationship with the applicant, including how long they have known each other and in what capacity.
- Applicant's Strengths: The letter should highlight the applicant's strengths and skills, particularly those relevant to the teaching profession.
- Academic and Professional Accomplishments: The principal should mention the applicant's academic and school community accomplishments and other contributions that demonstrate their suitability for the teaching profession.
- Personal Qualities: The principal should also comment on the applicant's personal qualities, such as work ethic, commitment, responsibility, creativity, and interpersonal skills, that make them an ideal candidate for the bursary.
- Fit with PRSD: The principal should explain how the applicant's values, goals, and aspirations align with those of PRSD and how they can contribute to the school division's mission and vision.
Conclusion: The letter should conclude with a strong endorsement of the applicant, expressing the principal's confidence in their ability to succeed in the teaching profession and fulfill the obligations of the bursary. The letter should be signed and dated by the principal.
Closing Date: June 16