Message from Superintendent Adam Murray - Alternative Learning Environments

Spring has sprung and PRSD is excited to have more opportunities for students to be learning outdoors and participating in hands on experiences with their peers. Classroom activities are being shifted, and many teachers are taking advantage of the sunshine and planning their lessons to incorporate more fresh air and active engagement. Most physical education classes are now happening outdoors, with many preparing and participating in Track and Field days, and staff have started organizing fun and engaging field trips for students to take part in outside of their schools.
PRSD strongly believes that field trips are essential for all students’ growth. They provide firsthand experiences that stimulate interest and motivation to relevant core subjects, strengthen observation and perception skills and promote social development. Many junior and senior high classes have taken trips to Edmonton to either explore post secondary institutes or experience learning based attractions such as the Telus World of Science. Others are planning trips to Grande Prairie to visit Northwestern Polytechnic to learn about the post secondary classes they offer. These types of field trips are crucial for our older students as they provide important insights into how they may further their education once they’ve completed high school.
Some classes are expanding their boundaries and preparing for overnight trips to Grande Prairie to see the Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum to learn more about the area’s significance, plus some are travelling to Quebec to explore and discover what the province has to offer. Many of our elementary classes have plans to visit Historical Dunvegan to participate in engaging history lessons, and most are planning year end trips to bowling alleys, swimming pools and gymnastics centres.
Alternative learning environments have a significant and positive impact on students and PRSD is continuously looking for ways to incorporate them into the school year. We look forward to finding new ways for students to grow their knowledge beyond their classroom walls and are excited to expose them to unique learning situations.
Thanks to the dedication and hard work of our parents, supervisors, support staff and teachers, we can bring these opportunities to our students and create educational experiences they will remember for years to come!
Adam Murray
Superintendent of Schools