Regular Board Meeting Highlights - March 16, 2023

2023-2024 Draft School Year Calendar
Superintendent Adam Murray presented the draft 2023-2024 school year calendar to the Board. The guiding principles for the creation of the calendar were discussed, as well as specific dates, including holidays and Professional Development days. Feedback from parents and guardians, staff members, and the public were reviewed, and the majority of the responses received were positive. The Board approved the draft calendar as presented.
2024-2027 Capital Plan
Secretary Treasurer, Rhonda Freeman, presented the changes to the Peace River School Division Capital Plan for 2024-2027. The new Capital Plan priority list has the conversion of the Manning bus garage into CTS space as number one, the construction of the new K-12 school in Red Earth Creek as number two as design funding was approved on March 1, 2023, value scoping for Fairview High School, E.E Oliver Elementary, Saint Thomas More, and Northwestern Polytechnic Partnership as number three, modernization at Worsley Central school as number four, modernization at T.A Norris Middle school as number five, and modernization at E.E Oliver Elementary school as number six. The Board approved the updates for the 2024-2027 Capital Plan.
Student Engagement Survey Results
Superintendent Adam Murray presented the data from the Division’s recent Student Assurance Survey. 1,519 students in grades 3-12, or approximately 75% of eligible students, completed the survey. The questions were created in alignment with the Division's three goals for literacy, numeracy, and inclusivity. The results from the survey are very positive and show that students are confident in school, feel that they are supported by the adults in the schools and that their educational needs are being met. The data collected will be used for the Division's Annual Education Results Report (AERR) and upcoming Student Engagement Sessions.
Roofing Tenders
The Board reviewed the roofing tenders for the Lloyd Garrison School Roof project. The Facilities Department reviewed the tenders beforehand and provided suggestions to the Board. The Board approved to use United Roofing from Edmonton to complete the roofing project.
Flag Raising Update
Holly Crumpton, Indigenous Education Program Coordinator, provided the Board with an update on next steps to be taken this year to implement the Board’s motion to honour the Treaty 8 flag and the Métis flag at all our schools. On March 6th, a group of representatives from our local Indigenous communities met to offer guidance about how we could best proceed. Based on their recommendations, Crumpton proposed to the Board that plans be made to raise the Treaty 8 flag, and the Métis flag outside Central Operations before the scheduled Board meeting on May 18th. Both flags would also be permanently installed in the boardroom at Central Operations that day. The Board voted in support of this date, and in support of raising the flags at E.E Oliver Elementary School and Fairview High School on June 1st. A letter of invitation from the Board will be sent to invite dignitaries from our local Indigenous communities to attend these Ceremonies. Further communication about these flag raising Ceremonies will be shared with the wider community in the days ahead.
Departmental Presentations – Wrap Around Services
Amanda Bliska, Director of Learning Services, presented information on the Division’s Wrap Around Services to the Board. She discussed the supports and interventions that are available and provided by the Divisional Intervention Coordinators. She shared details of the different supports that are provided to students, such as specialized programming, assistive devices, and classroom observations. She also discussed how students move through different levels of supports and the role of the Divisional Social Workers. Bliska provided information about the outside supports that PRSD has access to, such as Alberta Health Services, eMental Health, Addictions, Specialized Medical Services, PACE, the Women’s Shelter, WJS, Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD), Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Network, and AISH/PDD. Bliska then explained how her team works with Peace Collaborative Services which offers Speech Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, and provides a Low Incidence Team for students.
Debrief of AB Rural Education Symposium
Trustee Leitch and Trustee Dyck gave the Board a review of their attendance at the AB Rural Education Symposium. The focus of the conference was “Resilience, Reconciliation, and Rejoicing,” which outlined how the government and schools can work together to support students’ recovery from learning loss, the ongoing efforts towards reconciliation with First Nations partners, and celebrating what is right about rural education. Trustee Leitch attended the Rural Caucus meeting where the 2023 Budget and Transportation were among the topics discussed. Both Trustees networked with teachers, school administrators, trustees, municipal leaders, health care professionals, county counsellors, business leaders and individuals from a rural context who take an interest in rural education and sustainability of rural communities.
Policy Development and Review – Policy 20 – Site Based Decision Making
The Board passed the first and second reading for Policy 20 – Site Based Decision Making.
Trustee Calendar
The Board discussed upcoming dates and events in their calendar.