Partial Solar Eclipse Ocuring on April 8

On Monday, April 8, just as our students are returning from Spring Break, a partial solar eclipse will be visible in Northern Alberta between 11:45 a.m. and 1:45 p.m., approximately.
While we know that this solar event provides a unique learning experience for students and staff in our schools, we want to remind all of our school communities that there can be serious impacts to vision as a result of viewing an eclipse in an unsafe manner.
A solar eclipse limits the amount of the sun's visible light coming down to Earth. When there is limited light, the iris expands the size of the pupil to allow more light into the eye to see. The damage occurs because the eye is fooled by the eclipse and allows a potentially dangerous amount of light into the eye.
During the partial solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, it is advisable that all students and staff remain at school and indoors, away from uncovered windows. If students must be outside for any reason during the eclipse, please ensure students know they must protect their eyes by not looking at the sun. During a partial solar eclipse, looking directly at the sun is dangerous. Safe viewing of the eclipse requires wearing specialized glasses or watching through a telescope or solar binoculars that have solar lenses. Even then, viewing a partial eclipse should only be done with adult supervision.
More information about solar eclipses can be found on the Government of Canada website HERE
For specific eclipse information for your town, see the links below.
Bear Canyon | Berwyn | Cleardale | Dixonville |
Fairview | Grimshaw | Hines Creek | Manning |
Nampa | Peace River | Red Earth Creek | Worsley |