OHS Inspectors Have High Praise for our Site-Based Safety Reps

The Peace River School Division places a high priority on ensuring each of our schools are safe and caring locations for everyone who enters our building. We do that in a number of ways, including through ensuring each of our schools has a site-based safety representative. This staff member is responsible for completing approved OHS training, and ensuring compliance and enforcement of OHS regulations within our schools.
A series of successful Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspections were recently conducted at several of our buildings, highlighting the dedication and hard work of the site-based safety representatives.
Upon completing the inspections, the OHS Inspector provided high accolades for two of our schools in particular, Grimshaw Public School and Dixonville Public School. The Inspector praised the site-based safety reps for their excellent display of the site's joint worksite health and safety protocols.
The Peace River School Division wishes to thank each out our safety reps for the crucial role they play in ensuring safety protocols and regulations are followed diligently, creating a secure environment for both students and staff. Their commitment to promoting a culture of safety in their school communities has been commendable, and their efforts have not gone unnoticed.
The successful OHS inspections serve as a testament to the effectiveness of having dedicated safety reps who prioritize the well-being of everyone on school grounds. It is truly a cause for celebration and recognition of their valuable contributions.
For more information on how the Peace River School Division ensures their schools are safe and caring places to work and learn please see:
Board Policy 19: Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning Environment
Administrative Procedure (AP) 160 Appendix: Health and Safety of Students and Staff