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New Vice-Principal for École Springfield Elementary School

Peace River School Division (PRSD) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Audrey Senft as Vice Principal for École Springfield Elementary School effective with the 2021-2022 school year.

Audrey received her Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education from the University of Alberta with a focus in Educational Psychology.  In 2018 she received her Professional Certificate in Special Education from the University of Victoria with a specific focus on Programming for Special Education.  Furthermore, in 2020, Audrey received a diploma in Special and Inclusive Education from the University of Victoria with a focus on Advanced Programming for Special Education.

In addition to Audrey’s educational background, she has over 22 years of educational experience in PRSD.  She started her career at Manning Elementary School teaching grade six and in 1999, Audrey took a teaching position with Dixonville School as a general education teacher and Key Contact for kindergarten to grade nine.  She then took on a leadership role when she transferred to T. A. Norris Middle School as the school’s I-Coach and Literacy PLC Coordinator.  Continuing to develop her leadership skills, Audrey stepped into the divisional role as the Inclusive Education Intervention Coordinator and most recently, has been the principal of Dixonville School.

Audrey will bring an abundance of educational and practical experience to her new leadership role and PRSD feels fortunate and confident that École Springfield Elementary School and the division will benefit from her knowledge and experience.

Please join us in welcoming Audrey to her new role as Vice-Principal of École Springfield Elementary School commencing with the 2021-2022 school year.

May 20, 2021

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