Message from Superintendent Adam Murray- Have Your Say on the Divisional School Calendar

November 25, 2021- As a new year approaches, I know lots of families are looking at their calendars to plan their busy lives. We, here at Peace River School Division, are looking forward to our calendar planning process as we work to optimize the school year to benefit student success.
In December, members of the Peace River School Division school communities will be invited to review and provide input on the proposed 2022-2023 Divisional School Calendar. If you are a Peace River School Division student, parent, or staff member there will be an opportunity for you to share your input on the calendar.
All input received regarding the proposed 2022-2023 Calendar will be reviewed by the PRSD Calendar Committee. The Committee will consist of principals, a teacher, a School Council member, management, and representatives from neighbouring School Boards, as we are also responsible for bussing students from three other School Divisions.
The Division believes it is important to gather input whenever possible. The school calendar is one of the areas in which input from our families, schools, and communities is extremely valuable to assist us in meeting the needs of our students.
The Board of Trustees will review the calendar and input collected. The proposed 2022-2023 school year calendar will be presented to the Board for their approval at the March 2023 board meeting, so it is important to make your voice heard.
Early in the new year, the division will provide information on how you can share your thoughts on the proposed school calendar.
Thank you in advance for your input.
Adam Murray
Superintendent of Schools